Monday, January 08, 2007


High tech stadiums

Upon reading an article on InfoComm International's website, it is obvious that the stadiums of the future will need more than pretty architecture, ample bathrooms, and varied concessions to really have an impact. Technology is becoming pervasive in stadiums. The InfoComm article discusses the addition of 8 103" plasma high-definition TV's in the club lounge at Dolphins Stadium. Broadcasts are sent through bundles of fiber optic wires to these televisions, enabling them to show up to 9 games at one time or giving detailed views of the game being played inside the stadium. One can also consider the claims of the Oakland A's planned Cisco Field, where the A's are claiming that this stadium will be "one of the more technologically advanced stadiums around." With all of these digital options at the stadium, will anyone be in their seats cheering the action on the field, or will everyone have their eyes tuned to their PDA and personal television? :)

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